Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Remember Your Password!!

As a Texan, our battle cry is "Remember the Alamo!" As a blogger, it needs to be "Remember your password!" I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I haven't posted anything since Jan. 4th because I could not remember my password. I honestly tried everything I could think of. Try as I might, I could not get into my account to add a posting. I honestly thought I was going to have to hire a teenager to crack into my blogger account to retrieve my password.
Nowdays, you have to have an email password, checking account password, savings account password, a password for this and a password for that. Here a password, there a password, everywhere a password. Old McDonald had a password. It was "eieio."
All this talk about passwords made me think, will we need a password to get into heaven? When we die, as we all will, is a password required to allow you entrance into that glorious place? Do we all simply get a free pass to enter those pearly gates? Will being a "good person" be sufficient? How about maintaining perfect church attendance?
I believe a password IS required. Ephesians 2 states that we will NOT be saved, or enter into heaven because of our "goodness" or our "deeds." In fact, there is nothing we can do that will get us into heaven. However, Ephesians 2:8 does say it's by "grace" that we are saved. Could "grace" be our heavenly password? If it is, how do we set up our account to be able to enter in our password? The verse goes on to say that it's "through faith." We must place our "faith" in the fact that Jesus was God's gift to us for salvation. Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave was done out of "grace." We certainly didn't earn or deserve it. He did it in order to save us.
Getting into heaven is much more important than getting into our blog accounts or any other account we might have. Therefore, set up your account by placing your faith in Jesus and remember your password - "GRACE". (By the way, my blog account password was not "grace.")


Anonymous said...

I love your blogs, and would certainly like to see them more often. 2.5 months is a long time for YOU not to have anything to say! Start writing.

The Bunch Fam! said...

The "eieio" is probably the funniest thing I have ever heard you say...I had to wake up sleeping pregnant woman to tell her...!