Thursday, January 3, 2008

Stop, Look & Listen

As we start the New Year, it's easy to get so busy in all that "needs" to be done and all that we "want" to do, that we forget to see the beauty in the little things. Little things like a smile, a sunrise, a kind gesture, a cozy fire, a rainbow, a "please and thank you." It's true, we need to accomplish goals, meet deadlines, cast visions and plan strategies, but we shouldn't overlook a child's laughter, a bird's song, the hug of someone special or the beauty of a flower and it's delightful smell. Don't overlook what you're looking over! Instead, look for those little things that can bless you in great ways. They usually have very little cost, but great value. Stop ... look ... and listen ... You won't regret it.


Anonymous said...

Hey, these look like some flowers I saw in a park in New Zealand! Where was this picture taken? Is this Jan?

Anonymous said...

Terry, so good to hear from you! The fish looks great. I am reading some books on the Pacific Salmon crisis for an environment class Tate is taking during the break. I hope you obtained your fish legally and that it doesn't have nasty sea lice!
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.