Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Why is it so difficult:
- to read the fine print?
- to drive the approved speed limit?
- to understand the lyrics of rap music?
- to go to the Dentist?
- to learn a foreign language?
- to say, "I'm sorry"?
- to follow assembly instructions?
- to remember why I came into this room?
- to find my car keys?
- to maintain a "quiet time"?
- to stand firm against peer pressure?
- to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do?
- to listen to the Lord speak?
- to read my Bible?
- to surrender to the Lord's perfect will?
- to say "yes" to Jesus?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why is it so hard to spend hours doing homework yet easy to spend hours messing around on the internet? :)

Great blog Terry! I'm enjoying it!